

Tacticsweeper img



How to Play

Playing Tacticsweeper involves navigating through minefields while strategically using equipment to survive and progress. Each level presents new challenges such as Proximity Mines and Laser Turrets that threaten your probes. Here’s how you can effectively navigate this roguelike game:

  1. Revealing Tiles: Left-click on a tile to fire a probe and reveal its content. Your goal is to uncover all safe tiles in the level to move forward.

  2. Flagging Mines: Right-click on a tile to place a flag, marking it as a suspected mine. This helps you remember dangerous spots and avoid accidental probe losses.

  3. Understanding Tile Markers:

    • Numbered Tiles: These indicate how many mines are adjacent to that tile. Use this information to deduce safe spots.
    • + Tiles: Signify the presence of nearby active structures within the 8 surrounding tiles. To disable these structures and their effects, fire a probe directly at them.
  4. Dealing with Threats: Structures like Laser Turrets pose threats with their ranged attacks. Locate and disable them quickly to proceed safely through the minefield.

  5. Equipment and Upgrades: After each level, you’ll acquire new upgrades or equipment pieces. Use the buttons on the right side of the interface to activate or switch between tools as needed. These tools might include scanners to reveal hidden dangers, tools for disarming mines, or devices for disabling structures.

  6. Game Over Conditions: Be cautious with your probes; if you trigger a mine or lose them through attacks, and if you exhaust all probes, the game ends. Strategize each move to minimize probe loss and maximize progress.

Tips for Success

  • Plan Your Moves: Avoid random clicking; instead, deduce the safest tiles based on the numbers revealed.

  • Use Flags Wisely: Flag potential mines to prevent accidental probe losses.

  • Prioritize Structure Disabling: Disable active structures early to neutralize threats and access + tiles safely.

  • Adapt to New Hazards: Each area introduces new challenges. Quickly adapt to the presence of Proximity Mines and Laser Turrets to survive.

  • Utilize Equipment Effectively: Experiment with different tools and upgrades to find synergies that enhance your survivability and efficiency.

  • Learn from Mistakes: Analyze why probes were lost and adjust your strategy for subsequent levels.

Update v1.11

In the latest update, multiple flag icons have been introduced along with bug fixes. You can now click on items within the infocenter panel or use the scroll wheel to switch flag icons efficiently.

By mastering the mechanics of Tacticsweeper utilizing equipment strategically, and adapting to new challenges, you can navigate through dangerous minefields and emerge victorious. Can you clear all minefields and survive the onslaught of threats?

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